Franklin Mayor Ken Moore was featured on the March 14 installment of “Smart Growth Stories,” by Alex Dodd on the Smart Growth America website.
“Franklin, TN’s historic Main Street is more than a pretty place. It exemplifies Franklin’s historic heritage and has become the heart of the city’s new economy,” the website story says.
“’We like to say we’re a community that balances preservation with growth,’” Moore said in the story, which includes a video interview, in which Moore calls Franklin “the dimple of the universe.”
Mayor Ken Moore with Smart Growth America
Moore is on the Advisory Board of Smart Growth America’s Local Leaders Council, a nonpartisan group of municipal officials who share a passion for building great towns, cities, and communities.
As a member of the Local Leaders Council, Moore is one of many elected leaders across the country using smart growth strategies to help their hometowns generate better return on taxpayer investment and compete in today’s economy, according to the website.