Board of Directors


Franklin Tomorrow is governed by a 25-member Board of Directors made up of residents and individuals with specific interests related to the future of Franklin.


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Board of Directors

Franklin Tomorrow is governed by a 25-member Board of Directors made up of residents and individuals with specific interests related to the future of Franklin.


Connect With Us

Board of Directors

Franklin Tomorrow is an independent, community-visioning nonprofit created in 2000 by a group of forward-looking business and community leaders to safeguard the attributes that made Franklin special then for future generations. Our mission is to engage the community, foster collaboration, and advocate for a shared vision for the future of Franklin. Through our research, programs and engagement with citizens, that shared vision is for Franklin to be a city with robust neighborhoods, a vibrant economy, distinct character and great people.

With few exceptions residents believe that Franklin offers a high quality of life and they rate this aspect as the most important factor affecting their decision to live in the community. As an organization, we develop and present programs such as our quarterly Breakfast With the Mayors or monthly FrankTalks lecture series which educate and illuminate issues facing the community as a whole. We also take a broader approach to trends and how they could possibly impact Franklin and its residents through our On The Table initiative.

Additional programs like Get Fit Franklin and the Exemplary Community Volunteer Awards engage the community and shine a spotlight on positive aspects of the community.

We invite you to join us at future events and to become engaged in Franklin Tomorrow, but more importantly in your town, Franklin, and with the people who live, work and play here!

Our Board

Peggy Kidd

Board Chair

Greg Freeze

Vice Chair

Diane LeBlanc


Russ Haynes


Teresa Ashworth Harris | Past Board Chair

Training Consultant


Scotty Bernick

Vice President

Ragan Smith


Brady Cannon

Senior Program Manager, Office of Government and Community Affairs

Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Christina Christiansen

Manager, Public Affairs

Atmos Energy Corporation

Mary Michael Cross

Director of Marketing & Business Development


Amy Diaz- Barriga

Assistant Director of Planning and  Development

City of Franklin


April Eaton

Senior Manager, Catastrophe & Climate Communication- Allstate

Angela Gentry Jackson



LPT Realty

Mandi Goodrich

 General Manager

Williamson Memorial Funeral Home & Cremation Services


Amy Hilton

Community Volunteer

Chris Howell




April Jackson

 Assistant Director of Communications

Williamson County Schools

Jessica Lucyshyn

Market Vice President
Gresham Smith


Lynne McAlister

Community Volunteer

Whitney McElroy


Burr & Furman

Houston McGehee

Vice President


Cathy Clark Perry

Community Volunteer



Clay Perry


Williams Hunter Wealth Group/Raymond James

Renee Shafer

Vice President of Membership

Williamson, Inc.

Michelle Simpson

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Williamson Health

Elaine Whitney

Founder / Director of Development

One Generation Away


Ex-Officio Board Members

Mayor Rogers Anderson

Williamson County Mayor

Brandy Blanton

Alderman At Large

Nancy Conway

Senior VP, Community Relations at Williamson, Inc

Mayor Ken Moore 

Franklin Mayor

Board of Directors 

Franklin Tomorrow is governed by a 25-member Board of Directors made up of residents and individuals with specific interests related to the future of Franklin.

Teresa Ashworth Harris | Past Board Chair

Training Consultant


Scotty Bernick

Vice President

Ragan Smith


Brady Cannon

Senior Program Manager, Office of Government and Community Affairs

Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Christina Christiansen

Manager, Public Affairs

Atmos Energy Corporation

Mary Michael Cross

Director of Marketing & Business Development


Amy Diaz- Barriga

Assistant Director of Planning and  Development

City of Franklin


April Eaton

Senior Manager, Catastrophe & Climate Communication- Allstate

Angela Gentry Jackson



LPT Realty

Mandi Goodrich

 General Manager

Williamson Memorial Funeral Home & Cremation Services


Amy Hilton

Community Volunteer

Chris Howell




April Jackson

 Assistant Director of Communications

Williamson County Schools

Jessica Lucyshyn

Market Vice President
Gresham Smith


Lynne McAlister

Community Volunteer

Whitney McElroy


Burr & Furman

Houston McGehee

Vice President


Cathy Clark Perry

Community Volunteer



Clay Perry


Williams Hunter Wealth Group/Raymond James

Renee Shafer

Vice President of Membership

Williamson, Inc.

Michelle Simpson

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Williamson Health

Elaine Whitney

Founder / Director of Development

One Generation Away


Ex-Officio Board Members

Mayor Rogers Anderson

Williamson County Mayor

Brandy Blanton

Alderman At Large

Nancy Conway

Senior VP, Community Relations at Williamson, Inc

Mayor Ken Moore 

Franklin Mayor



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