At the Monday, Aug. 8, Franklin Tomorrow FrankTalks lecture, presented in partnership with Vanderbilt University’s Office of Community, Neighborhood and Government Relations, Franklin City Administrator Eric Stuckey and two staff directors laid out how key transportation and land use planning tools are being put into place.
Stuckey presented a second round of “City Hall on Wheels,” assisted by Engineering Director Paul Holzen and Planning Director Emily Hunter, at the new Columbia State Community College campus to more than 50 business leaders and residents.
The event was broadcast live through the City of Franklin’s Facebook page, and if you would like to see the meeting, you can look on the Facebook page or wait for the replay through the City’s Franklin TV broadcast.
If you would like to view the PowerPoint presentation from that day, click on the link below.
During the meeting, Dr. Shanna Jackson, dean of the Williamson County campus of Columbia State Community College, asked the group and the community to participate in a Williamson County Educational Interest Surveybeing conducted by Columbia State as part of the opening of the new campus on Liberty Pike in Franklin.
Columbia State Community College is committed to ensuring programming on the new Williamson Campus is aligned to the needs of the community and employers. They are asking for your input to help guide what new opportunities the college should provide at the Williamson Campus.
The link can be shared with friends and co-workers, as well.
Please let your voice be heard by participating in the survey.