Transportation Survey results presented to Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Franklin Tomorrow released the results of a transportation issues study conducted in 2013, revealing that people want reduced congestion and less delay, more transportation choices, and a better street network.
The 50-plus question online survey included responses from almost 1,000 people, including more than half who identified themselves as living in the City of Franklin, while the remainder identified themselves as working in the city.
The answers indicate 90% of people participating drive to work alone and had schedules which did not make ridesharing possible. Of the resident participants, 46% identified themselves as having lived in Franklin for more than 10 years, while one-third said they had school-age children. The highest percentage of residents had two or more vehicles.
Overall takeaways from the survey include:
• Roadway congestion in Franklin is a problem and has gotten worse in the past 12 months
• Roadway congestion is bad during normal times and is worse during temporary conditions
• Address congestion on existing roadways (reduce delay & improve travel times)
• 3/4th of respondents think traffic congestion affects Franklin’s character, reputation, recruiting of new businesses.
From residents, survey results indicate:
• Residents want reduced congestion and less delay, well-maintained roadways, a better street network, improved safety, and more transportation choices.
• The biggest reason people don’t walk or bike is the lack of sidewalks and bikeways.
• If there were adequate trails and sidewalks, 87% say they would use them more.
• Residential & employment center placements are important for greater transit use.
• ¾ of respondents thinks congestion affects Franklin’s character, reputation, and job recruitment efforts.
From the commuter survey, results indicate:
• The highest percent of commuters into Franklin comes from areas outside the City within Williamson County as well as from the Counties of Davidson, Rutherford, and Maury.
• There appears to be an opportunity to increase commuter participation in carpooling, vanpooling, and express bus services.
• Additionally, if there were adequate trails and sidewalks to get around Franklin from employment centers, 76% say they would use them more.
The survey was formulated by a citizen task force working to expand on results of the 2011 Visioning Process, which drew over 1,000 participants, and a 2012 Household Survey conducted with the Williamson County Association of Realtors, which reached a 400-household count and was conducted by a national polling firm.
Franklin Tomorrow is a non-profit community visioning nonprofit which has as its mission to engage the community, foster collaboration, and advocate for a shared vision for the future of Franklin that includes a vibrant economy, great people, distinct character, and robust neighborhoods.
For more information or to schedule a presentation of the survey results, contact Mindy Tate, Franklin Tomorrow executive director, at 794-0998 or
Feb. 11, 2014