Does distracted driving impact traffic congestion?
The people have spoken. Traffic congestion continually ranks high in Williamson County road woes.
Everyone is multi-tasking as they drive down the road. Have you missed a green light because the person in front of you had their head down in their apps? Or missed a meeting due to a crash on the interstate? Many traffic snags are caused by distracted drivers. But more importantly, our safety is also compromised. Imagine the day your 16-year-old has license in hand. Now picture his first solo drive with one hand on the wheel and the other on his cellphone. A quick text or SnapChat to a friend to celebrate the occasion.
If your children are young, this day will be here before you know it. How we model good behavior behind the wheel now will shape the driver they eventually become. If they see you talking on your phone every day or checking and answering email at stoplights, that wi

FrankTalks is presented by Vanderbilt University’s Office of Community, Neighborhood & Governement Relations
ll become a part of the normal driving experience to them.

The event will begin at 9 a.m. with coffee, followed by the program at 9:30 a.m. FrankTalks is presented by Vanderbilt University’s Office of Community, Neighborhood and Government Relations.
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