Meetings set for Jan. 8-9 for stakeholders on housing issues

The City of Franklin has chosen a consultant to perform a housing needs analysis and prepare a housing plan to assist decision makers, stakeholders, and citizens with understanding key housing issues in the area.

BBC Research and Consulting Company will be in Franklin on January 8-9 for a series of meetings. All meetings are open to the public, but the key meeting for public to attend and give feedback is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. at City hall in the boardroom.

Staff from BBC will provide a measured assessment of present and future unmet housing demand focusing on short-to-mid-term housing demand over the next 5,10, and 15 years. The final report from the consulting company will offer community leaders and stakeholders a basis for formulating specific housing priorities as they relate to a healthy community, policy alternatives and related strategies. The study will cost the city $59,700, which is funded through the Building and Neighborhood Services annual budget.

The following is a schedule of meetings over Jan. 8-9;

Jan. 8, Wednesday (City Hall Training Room)

· 7 a.m. Design Professionals and Developers Group

· 9 a.m. Realtors

· 10:30 a.m. Non-Profits

· 3 p.m. Housing Commission Executive Committee

Jan. 9, Thursday (Community Development Room, City Hall)

· 7:30 a.m. Housing Commission

· 9 a.m. Corporations/Employers

· 1 p.m. Elected Officials

· 3:30 p.m. City Staff

· 6 p.m. Public Meeting (City Hall Boardroom)