Grab your cup of coffee and join us in a conversation with Franklin Mayor Dr. Ken Moore and Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson to discuss current events and upcoming news in Franklin and Williamson County during Franklin Tomorrow’s virtual July 28 Breakfast With The Mayors event.
Headlining the virtual event will be Department of Tourist Development Commissioner Mark Ezell, who will give an update on the COVID-19 pandemic and what the next steps are on the state level as Tennessee begins to reopen.
Superintendent of Williamson County Schools Jason Golden will also give an update on Williamson County Schools as well.
As Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development (TDTD), Mark Ezell is responsible for the growth strategy and overall branding of the state’s global tourism footprint. Working alongside strategic partners, he is responsible for national campaigns that reinforce Tennessee as a world-class destination while building better opportunities for citizens through revenue and job creation. Commissioner Ezell is also the Director of Governor Bill Lee’s Economic Recovery Group, a public-private partnership that prioritizes connection, collaboration, and communication across industries, the medical community and state government to safely reboot Tennessee’s economy.
This will be an online event. More information on where to access the online event will be available soon. To register for the July 28 Breakfast With The Mayors, visit
Breakfast With The Mayors is held quarterly and is free to the public thanks to the generous partnership of partners including Pinnacle Financial Partners, as well as Williamson Medical Center, Hazen and Sawyer, and Williamson County Association of REALTORS. Additional support this year comes from Patterson Hardee & Ballentine CPAs and Andrews Transportation Group.