In partnership with Franklin Mayor Ken Moore’s Find Hope Franklin and the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network, Franklin Tomorrow is coordinating free Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training through TSPN on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 9-10:45 a.m. or Thursday, Sept. 23, 9:30-11 a.m. at different locations in Franklin.
This QPR training is a 90-minute training in which participants will learn about statistics regarding suicide in the state of Tennessee as well as how to identify warning signs and risk factors that may put the people in your life more at risk. Think of QPR as CPR – anyone who is CPR certified is ready to give assistance in case of emergency until a doctor or more professional help can be reached. QPR is similar in the sense that although no one will walk out of a QPR training a counselor or a mental health professional, they will be able to give assistance and listen to the person in crisis until more qualified help can be rendered.
Seating is limited, so we ask organizations take no more than two seats each. To register for the Sept. 14 program, go to To register for Sept. 23, go to
In 2019, Mayor Moore created a blue-ribbon panel to discuss the mental health crisis in Williamson County. From that panel, an initiative was formed called Find Hope Franklin. This initiative included the creation of the website On the website, people can find local resources to assist those dealing with mental health issues.
Through a grant to Franklin Tomorrow from Vanderbilt University Medical Center for the Find Hope Franklin initiative, more than 10 community volunteers were trained to provide gatekeeper training classes to the community in QPR. The trainers are available to speak to local groups no larger than 35 in size to provide the entry-level training.
Franklin Tomorrow is a 20-year-old community visioning and engagement nonprofit which has as its mission to engage the community, foster collaboration and advocate for the future of Franklin. Learn more at