Franklin Tomorrow’s 2017 FrankTalks Lecture Series will continue Monday, May 8, at City Hall in the Training Room. The event will kick off with coffee and networking at 9 a.m. and the program will begin at 9:30 a.m.
Tennessee Department of Transportation Commissioner John Schroer will be our guest, along with representatives of The TMA Group, to discuss the IMPROVE Act and its impact on Williamson County. It is expected TDOT’s three-year project list will be updated and released before Schroer’s appearance on May 8. The Tennessee Legislature is also expected to vote on Gov. Bill Haslam’s budget prior to May 8, giving TDOT knowledge of how much funding will exist.
The IMPROVE Act allows for local option taxes, to be approved by referendum, to fund transit projects, which is part of the work of The TMA Group.
FrankTalks is free and the public is invited. Franklin Tomorrow partnered with Vanderbilt University’s Office of Neighborhood, Government and Community Relations to expand the frequency of FrankTalks in 2016 to a monthly program. It is held at various locations across the city, but always on the second Monday of the month.