Find Hope Franklin, in conjunction with Franklin Tomorrow, will offer three sessions of Question Persuade Refer (QPR) suicide prevention and mental health awareness training in the month of July.

Gatekeepers can be anyone, but include parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, ministers, doctors, nurses, office supervisors, squad leaders, foremen, police officers, advisors, caseworkers, firefighters, and many others who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide.
The classes are planned for July 10, July 19, and July 24. For specific times and locations, follow this link.
As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper you will learn to:
• Recognize the warning signs of suicide
• Know how to offer hope
• Know how to get help and save a life
The class will take one hour to 1.5 hours to complete.
With the collaboration of Find Hope Franklin, TSPN (Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network, and QPR– we are able to offer this vital training and materials at no cost to you. Franklin Tomorrow is excited to share this important information with the Franklin community.