Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson outlined the many “firsts,” or at least top 10 finishes which Williamson County has secured in his State of the County address, delivered July 24, 2012, to a joint meeting of Williamson County’s Chambers of Commerce at the Cool Springs Conference Center.

Among the firsts? Williamson County was first in population growth, with the 2010 census placing the County’s population at 183,182, making it the sixth largest county in the state, but the fastest growing.

Another first? With a per capita income of $53,392, Williamson County is well above the state average of $34,277 and finishing as the County with the highest per capita income. Tied to this perhaps is Williamson County has the highest median household income, coming in at $87,474 compared to the state’s median household income of $41,715.

Wonder why we build so many schools? Williamson County has the highest percentage of population of residents under the age of 18, with a percentage of 28.3% compared to the state average of 19.5%.

It wasn’t all about firsts though, as Anderson pointed out the county has the fourth highest assessed value at $8.3 billion dollars, while the state’s assessed value comes in at $144 billion.

Follow this link to look at Anderson’s full presentation.